Free Pedigree Software For Mac

Genogram Analytics software works on MACs with Big Sur, Mojave and Catalina iOS and PCs including Windows 7, 8 & 10. Older versions available MAC on request. Genogram Analytics lets you define any attribute you wish to track — from mental health conditions to what brand of tooth paste people use. The possibilities are endless. Software available for a fee, which can only be legally used on purchase of a license. citation needed Open-source software comes with a free software license, granting the recipient the rights to modify and redistribute the software. citation needed Patents. Pedigree charts have been drawn and used for a long time now. Pedigree chart template is designed based on the necessity. Before you download one of the sample pedigree chart templates that we have got Free Chart Templates, you should know what a pedigree chart such as that is usually made up of. Easy Pedigree Charts. SmartDraw is the world's best way to make a pedigree chart. Instead of starting with a blank page, SmartDraw provides a pedigree template where the father-mother shapes are already connected. Add children instantly by clicking 'Add Descendant' from the SmartPanel. Add a spouse or another generation just as easily.

Bunny Trails for iOS operates like the full version. What you see on your desktop or laptop computer is what you will see on your iOS device.
We built Bunny Tails for iOS as a companion app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. It is the perfect solution for a breeder who wants to take their software on the road! Using your desktop or laptop computer, you will transfer a file through iTunes and load it to your iOS device. It's that simple! Now you have a copy of your software on a mobile device!
Using Bunny Tails for iOS as a companion app will be the perfect solution for most users. However, for the user with some advanced skills, Bunny Tails for iOS can function the same as the desktop version, minus import and export features. So, an advanced user can essentially transfer the BTS file onto his or her iOS device through iTunes and after using it on the iOS device, the advanced user can then transfer the file back to his or her desktop or laptop computer.
PLEASE NOTE: BTS for iOS will NOT run on Android devices.
Claris FileMaker Go for iPad and iPhone is compatible with iOS devices running iOS 13.2 or higher, including iPad, iPad mini, iPhone and iPod touch. Claris FileMaker Go for iPad and iPhone requires iTunes 10.x or a Mac running OS X Catalina or higher.
In order to run BTS on your iOS device, you must download Claris Filemaker Go, (free app) from Apple's App Store.

PedPro (Mac/Windows)

If you're a breeder, using a breeding software product helps you maintain records of your dogs and their ancestors and print your paperwork such as certificates.

In addition to saving you a great deal of time such products can automatically compute the inbreeding coefficient, keep additional information such as health records, produce related dog papers such as mating certificates or sale agreements, and so on.

We have two products designed for dog breeders: PedPro and Breeders Assistant. Both these programs will store your breeding records and print pedigrees with ease.

Ideal For All Breeds

Whether your passion is breeding Dalmatians, Labradors, Newfoundlands, Great Danes, or any of the other breeds you can use our products for them all.

Free Pedigree Software For Mac

You can have as many separate data files as you like so if you have more than one breed its easy to keep them separate.

Store Your Important Dog Records

With Breeders Assistant and PedPro you can keep all your dog data together in one place - starting with the essentials like name, date of birth, details of the sire, dam and color and breed and so on. If there isn't a box for something you need to enter you can add your own. And once this information is recorded you can easily print those essential documents - pedigree certificates.

Never Enter The Same Data Again

Free Pedigree Software For MacPedigree

If you've ever tried building a pedigree by hand you'll know it can be very time consuming. Inevitably you find yourself copying out the same ancestors time and time again, often multiple times within the same certificate.

It doesn't matter if you've been doing it in longhand or by creating a pedigree template or chart with software such as Excel or Word. You have the same fundamental problem of having to frequently repeat the same information.

With our products once you have entered the details of any given dog once you don't have to do it ever again, no matter how many times it appears in other pedigrees. And if you need to change the details for a dog - for example it becomes a Champion, or you need to correct a typing error - then by just changing those details in one place they will automatically take effect whenever that dog appears as an ancestor. It does this by understanding the links between a dog and its parents and so constructs the certificate automatically, tracing the lines of ancestry in your database.

Make Your Pedigrees Impress

When you give a puppy buyer a certificate you want them to be impressed. Its an important document and should look professional. Its more than a basic pedigree chart or ancestor table.

Our software prints wonderful pedigrees, especially with the 'copperplate' style built into Breeders Assistant.

You can configure the certificate layouts in various ways such as the depth of ancestry included (typically 4 or 5 generations), whether or not to include the inbreeding coefficient, whether to include registration numbers, or to display a watermark background. And of course it will highlight those important ancestors such as Champions in red.

Stored On Your Computer, Not Online

Our products store your information on your own computer, not online, and do not require access to the internet to run. Your pedigree data is not shared on or uploaded to the internet. There is no possibility of unauthorised access in the 'cloud' or similar - because your data is never stored there.

You should however make regular backups of your data. In practice this means copying your breed data file(s) e.g. to a USB stick, just as you would backup any other file.

Print All Your Dog Papers

Sometimes you may need to produce other paperwork such as puppy sale agreements or mating certificates, especially if you have dogs at stud.

Breeders Assistant can print these documents and many others such as ancestor listings, descendant reports, etc. And if you opt for the Pro Edition it even understands the dog color genetics of many breeds, so can predict colors for a prospective mating based on the known color genotypes of the sire and dam, and include the prediction in paperwork such as trial matings and mating certificates.

Helps You To Breed Better Dogs

As a serious breeder of course you want to breed healthy dogs but you also need to maintain and protect your breeding lines e.g. to improve their conformity to breed standards and to keep a control on inbreeding. Our products let you monitor the relationship between sire and dam, helping you to understand how your dogs are related through their pedigrees.

All our products can calculate inbreeding for any dog or mating using the standard formula (Wright's) and you can select the number of generations of ancestors used in the calculation. You can also highlight repeat and common ancestors in a pedigree which makes it easy to see which of the nearest ancestors are giving rise to inbreeding and which are having the greatest influence.

Free Animal Pedigree Software

No Recurring Fee

You don't pay a recurring e.g. monthly fee with our software. You buy a one-time license to use the current version of the software at the time of purchase, and you can then use that version as long as you like without ever having to pay any more.1.

Register Your Dogs

Remember that to register your dogs and puppies in the normally understood way you have to do that with a recognized, official, dog registry. Such as the AKC in the US, or the Kennel Club in the UK, not to mention others. To properly register your dog/puppy normally involve paying a separate registration fee to the registry.

Try Our Products for Free

All our products have free trial versions, including Breeders Assistant for Dogs and PedPro.

Free Pedigree Software For MacFree

Pedigree Software Dogs

The Breeders Assistant is the more comprehensive product as it can store additional data/records - such as show records - and as such tends to be the product of choice for serious breeders. If you only need to print certificates and little else you may find PedPro more suitable. It is also available for the Mac, whereas Breeders Assistant is designed to run on Windows only (although plenty of our customers do use it on the Mac, it needs a Windows environment such as Parallels to run).

If you're unsure which one suits you best we have a flowchart to help you choose.

Animal Pedigree Software Free

1. When you buy a license for one of our products, as well as getting a copy of the latest version you choose between having 1 or 3 years access to support/updates. During this period all updates to your version/edition of the program are free. You can extend this period at any time, including after your existing support/updates period has ended, by purchasing a support/updates extension. But that's your choice. You don't have to and, more importantly, there is no time limit on how long you can use your version of the software, irrespective of whether or not your period for support/updates has ended.